Chanelle Megan Photography

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Check out this Tiny Little Sausage Dog I Photographed,

And learn HOw The HEck To Pronounce the word Dachshund.

I’ve been reminded of a whole lot of dog breeds that I had actually forgotten about since I begun specifically photographing dogs, one of them being the little old sausage dog which immediately makes me think of Slinky from the Toy Story franchise…

Any idea how to pronounce the word Dachshund? LEt me sound it out for you, and then let me show you how freakin’ cute the things are!

I can not actually believe that I am a good way into my 30’s and all this time I had NO IDEA that I was ever pronouncing the word Dachshund WRONG! I’ve spent the last 30 odd years of my life assuming these short legged, bundle of joys were always called ‘Dash’-‘hounds’ and I’ve never been corrected either for as long as I can remember, which makes me wonder, how many of you are still pronouncing the slinky sausage dog incorrectly?

According to Google translations there’s a few different accents that we can go with, I think the one I’m going to roll with though is the British accent, despite the Dachshund being a German breed, I think for the Aussies and Kiwis that follow me here, the British accent is the closest to how we’d pronounce it, so here we go:

Dachshund = ‘Dak’ - ‘Sund’

Actually if you google it yourself, you will be able to hear the word as well as just read it. I’m over here though, 2 months into knowing the truth and still feel SOO weird every time I need to use the word Dachshund, that sometimes I just resort to the slang use of ‘Sausage Dog’ because I feel silly saying it correctly! No judging please, it’s just really hard to undo 30 years of “knowledge”.

I actually had a shoot recently where I was lucky enough to photograph a 5 1/2 month old dachshund, and YO, he was so freakin cute! His name is Hugo and we found a quiet field south of Perth and captured some precious memories for his owners. Right here in this post, I’m giving you a sneak peek at what their final gallery looks like - I’m in love with it, as are they, so I hope you enjoy these pics too! AND if you’ve also added an extra 4 paws to your family recently, then hit me up and let’s document your furry bundle of joy before he grows into those paws - it’ll happen before your eyes!


I'm Chanelle from Chanelle Megan Photography and I’m your pet and family photographer if you're located in or around Perth! I help you by capturing joyful and genuine images of those that steal your heart. Together, we then choose the best ones to print big for your wall or compact in an album for your coffee table, so that you can always feel their warmth and love even when they’re not around.

Contact me today to book in your session date.